Is it just me or does the film "Juno" Your worries other responsible adults?
I mean, the critics raved about it. The Los Angeles Times, "" Juno "is funny and kind, perceptive and surprisingly grounded ...". Perceptive? Grounded? How many 16-year-old girls have the ability to communicate, control over emotions, and overall acceptance and support the "hippie-go-lucky" parents that had Juno. I found the movie to cute and acted well, but also veryLaissez-faire in that it presented the best possible conditions in which a pregnant teenager was able to find themselves. But is it fair to the thousands of young women in search of answers in a time when our society if we try to prevent young people from taking sex for more reasons than just a pregnancy?
When I saw the movie with my husband, stepson and his 16-year-old girlfriend, I could not help but wonder, but if, when she saw Juno, all independent of one another goorganize their lives in the city, she thought: "It's not a big deal. If I get pregnant, I will look in the Penny Saver, you can find some rich people who want a baby, and in nine short months, everything will pass to be. "And how many other teens out there thinking the same thing? Could it be that in our "stuck" part of the country so we have managed not to the same resources for teen mothers-to-be as we say in the Midwest or southern states? And could the crowded city centerDrug and alcohol problems make the issue more complicated than it needs to be? Maybe not.
It seems that the ease of the pregnancy makes sense, Juno, 17 girls from high school in Gloucester, Massachusetts, he says, are all pregnant, and not accidental. Although details are still sketchy, it appears that the pregnancies were planned, and even celebrated by the young people. Their parents are cool enough to give them the support they need? Hope so.
The news reports that"Superintendent Christopher Farmer said the girls are generally" girls who lack self-esteem and a lack of love in their lives. "" And although the first superintendent reported that the girls made a pact to have had children together, the mayor said that on the question of how he knew the memory of the superintendent has failed. Could he have made such a story? I doubt it. Older young people have commented on from the same area that they did so the girls felt, because they sought "unconditional love" andAcceptance - a clear symptom of low self-esteem.
And yes, unlike the fairy tale ends in Juno, I think now we are left to deal with this as a society - both schools, parents and young people. It is regrettable that the Gloucester girls could not see the true and far-reaching consequences of their actions. But I do not think the only thing that remains to be done to try to prevent this from happening on such a large scale again. But how?
I think we need more or better sex education,Birth control information and most important of all, self-help programs to understand young women, as everywhere to live independently, take responsibility for their actions that their decisions do not have to be limited, and that they will not follow the crowd. Life is interesting and difficult, but holds infinite possibilities, and they should know, dass
I know, I know, Juno was just a movie - a creative expression, an artistic interpretation of someone who certainly never writteninjure or even to influence anyone. I also understand that not all films the duty of the responsible way to go and tell the good and the bad sides of each issue are - just have a few movies for entertainment purposes. I wish that was the young girls in Gloucester High School, said.
For those of you who think I make a mountain of a molehill our let me just say that I have to people who fear about the messages that I received by our young people, and notreal interest in prosecuting those who send them. Hey! Maybe the DVD is a disclaimer that says: "WARNING: Can This is not real life contain? Oh yeah, caption - no one liked it when Tipper Gore suggested it either.
My wish is that Juno and trigger the events in Gloucester conversations between children and parents everywhere about the seriousness of pregnancy and all options and effects. In those days a young woman is not afraid of how several years ago when parents sent their expectedDaughters "away" for a period of time, so they can provide their children - but the reality of what happens is the same. A totally new person comes into the world and must be cared for and loved and financially supported and taught all over the world and how movies are just movies and not in any way any influence on fashion trends, life choices, or live and die.
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