Saturday, October 24, 2009

Birth Control - Avoiding Unwelcome Surprises After Pregnancy

Birth control or contraception is a method to protect against unwanted pregnancy. It helps a couple decide whether they have a child.

A woman can have sex after pregnancy, although some initial mild discomfort during the first two weeks. However, it stands a high chance of becoming pregnant as her menstrual cycle (ie stopped during pregnancy had time) is likely to resume. Since a new baby demands a lot from the family - especially the mother,once again to become pregnant is not something that most parents would welcome. Contraception after pregnancy is a safe and stress-free way to avoid the fear of getting pregnant again.

Just as there are ways to look good for a woman again after pregnancy, there are ways in which they can protect themselves against unwanted pregnancy as well. Moreover, it is important to note that only a few methods for birth control an individual against sexually transmittedDiseases (STDs) and HIV / AIDS.

For each birth control method to be effective, it is for a pair, as it is important to understand, to be used and the various do's and don'ts associated. In an interview with a qualified professional body definitely helps remove your fears and you get before you choose a particular method of birth control.

Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)

LAM is a natural method of contraception during breastfeeding, which is based on postnatalInfertility in women. Lactation suppresses ovulation hormones. However, this is only possible up to the first six months if the baby is exclusively and frequently breast-fed all day. LAM is no longer effective once again include menstruation.

Fertility Awareness Method

Even natural family planning is known, this means the study of a woman's menstrual cycle after pregnancy to get to safe time for traffic and practice abstinence during ovulationPeriods. As a Birth Control Method is the safest, as it is not an expense, implantation or insertion of alien or external drugs or devices. But the success of this method depends on many factors such as self-control and regularity of menstruation.

Barrier Method

Barrier methods like condoms, sponges, diaphragms and cervical caps with spermicide, bar the sperm into the uterus and have no effect on breast milk.


Hormonal methods include oral contraceptives (the pill), skin patches, vaginal rings and injections of estrogen and progestin. Emergency or "morning after" pills prevent taken within three days of intercourse pregnancy. But these are not recommended for nursing mothers, since they produce the quantity and quality affect the milk. Hormonal methods include other side effects that may not agree with someWomen.

Intrauterine device (IUD)

A spiral (also known as loop) is a small device made of plastic or metal that is inserted into the uterus by a health professional. IUD is a safe method of contraception that does not does not affect lactation. It can be removed if a woman wants to conceive again.

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