Monday, November 16, 2009

Juno - A Different Version For Teens in Gloucester, MA

Is it just me or does the film "Juno" Your worries other responsible adults?

I mean, the critics raved about it. The Los Angeles Times, "" Juno "is funny and kind, perceptive and surprisingly grounded ...". Perceptive? Grounded? How many 16-year-old girls have the ability to communicate, control over emotions, and overall acceptance and support the "hippie-go-lucky" parents that had Juno. I found the movie to cute and acted well, but also veryLaissez-faire in that it presented the best possible conditions in which a pregnant teenager was able to find themselves. But is it fair to the thousands of young women in search of answers in a time when our society if we try to prevent young people from taking sex for more reasons than just a pregnancy?

When I saw the movie with my husband, stepson and his 16-year-old girlfriend, I could not help but wonder, but if, when she saw Juno, all independent of one another goorganize their lives in the city, she thought: "It's not a big deal. If I get pregnant, I will look in the Penny Saver, you can find some rich people who want a baby, and in nine short months, everything will pass to be. "And how many other teens out there thinking the same thing? Could it be that in our "stuck" part of the country so we have managed not to the same resources for teen mothers-to-be as we say in the Midwest or southern states? And could the crowded city centerDrug and alcohol problems make the issue more complicated than it needs to be? Maybe not.

It seems that the ease of the pregnancy makes sense, Juno, 17 girls from high school in Gloucester, Massachusetts, he says, are all pregnant, and not accidental. Although details are still sketchy, it appears that the pregnancies were planned, and even celebrated by the young people. Their parents are cool enough to give them the support they need? Hope so.

The news reports that"Superintendent Christopher Farmer said the girls are generally" girls who lack self-esteem and a lack of love in their lives. "" And although the first superintendent reported that the girls made a pact to have had children together, the mayor said that on the question of how he knew the memory of the superintendent has failed. Could he have made such a story? I doubt it. Older young people have commented on from the same area that they did so the girls felt, because they sought "unconditional love" andAcceptance - a clear symptom of low self-esteem.

And yes, unlike the fairy tale ends in Juno, I think now we are left to deal with this as a society - both schools, parents and young people. It is regrettable that the Gloucester girls could not see the true and far-reaching consequences of their actions. But I do not think the only thing that remains to be done to try to prevent this from happening on such a large scale again. But how?

I think we need more or better sex education,Birth control information and most important of all, self-help programs to understand young women, as everywhere to live independently, take responsibility for their actions that their decisions do not have to be limited, and that they will not follow the crowd. Life is interesting and difficult, but holds infinite possibilities, and they should know, dass

I know, I know, Juno was just a movie - a creative expression, an artistic interpretation of someone who certainly never writteninjure or even to influence anyone. I also understand that not all films the duty of the responsible way to go and tell the good and the bad sides of each issue are - just have a few movies for entertainment purposes. I wish that was the young girls in Gloucester High School, said.

For those of you who think I make a mountain of a molehill our let me just say that I have to people who fear about the messages that I received by our young people, and notreal interest in prosecuting those who send them. Hey! Maybe the DVD is a disclaimer that says: "WARNING: Can This is not real life contain? Oh yeah, caption - no one liked it when Tipper Gore suggested it either.

My wish is that Juno and trigger the events in Gloucester conversations between children and parents everywhere about the seriousness of pregnancy and all options and effects. In those days a young woman is not afraid of how several years ago when parents sent their expectedDaughters "away" for a period of time, so they can provide their children - but the reality of what happens is the same. A totally new person comes into the world and must be cared for and loved and financially supported and taught all over the world and how movies are just movies and not in any way any influence on fashion trends, life choices, or live and die.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cheap And Natural Pimple Treatments

Consider cheaper, alternative, natural, effective treatment methods, the best cure for your acne, pimples, blackheads and pimples will issue. By their mid-teens, almost 35% of adolescents have acne severe enough to require some kind of treatment by a physician. Living with acne can be very difficult, and even harder to find the right acne treatment for you.

In a survey conducted in Britain, 95% of the 16-year-old men and 83% of the 16-year-old females had acne.People of all races and ages have acne. Acne rosacea is a red rash, mainly on the face. Acne vulgaris is usually experienced around puberty, usually in the face, shoulders and chest.

I think the cause of acne is related to our acidic, inflammatory "standard American diet (SAD), and that all of our hormones including stress hormones could influence. Doctors believe that certain factors could cause or contribute to acne including hormone increases in teenage years, hormoneChanges in pregnancy, starting or stopping birth control pills, heredity, medicines and greasy make-up. Scientists are trying to find the cause of acne and are working on ways to prevent plugs.

Raw apple cider vinegar application to the skin is a cheap, alternative acne treatment that has worked for many adults, teenagers and children with acne, pimples, pustules or spots. Popping pimples can not do to infections and scarring, the best way. Seems to be a useful means to useIce to reduce swelling, inflammation caused by pimples: rub it over the stain for 2-3 minutes.

Shave carefully and try both electric and safety razors to see which works best for you. Try relaxation techniques to reduce stress, including meditation and yoga breathing exercises. Drinking lots of pure, filtered water may be one of the most important things that work you do for your acne from the inside out.

It is worth, you want to be good for your skin and never pop orSqueeze a pimple no matter how tempting. Be careful not to use hot water on your face, always use lukewarm water. Try to see a careful application of coconut oil several times a day and before bedtime, the healing effect.

Too many chemicals to make the skin of its natural oils and skin strips will compensate for overproduction of oil that blocks pores and causes more acne. Use exercise such as yoga and Tai Chi to improve blood flow to the skin and help the healing process, but alsoimproves the condition of internal organs, which they can effectively eliminate toxins. For the best acne treatment that apply to many of the coconut oil sector has been working every day, try it on a small test area for a day or two first.

Each make-up should be used on the label or not non-comedogenic acnegenic list. If you're going to buy acne products, it is far more worthwhile to buy, preventing acne treatment products for pimples and current thatEmergence of new structures.

To heal yourself of acne, you have to take the problems on the inside of the body that cause acne to correct. If your liver with toxins, the toxins are sending through your skin, such as overloading, other organs of elimination. Adding a lot of fresh, raw fruits, the diet has helped many people clear up the skin, there are tons of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in fruits.

The best acne treatment is a diet that helps the bodyWill prevent waste when the standard American diet food (SAD), it is reflected in your skin. Some alternative doctors recommend eating a raw clove of garlic daily for acne, you can use a chop and add it to your daily salad!

Eating fruits, red or orange color will help you improve the health of the skin and help prevent acne. Good clear skin is often a reflection of good digestion. The two most common gastrointestinal concerns relating to the skin are not enough waterand too little fiber.

The next time you want to have a snack instead of junk food to help the skin - an apple, orange, peach, pear, banana, plum, berries or other fruits. Drink plenty of pure, filtered water, at least one liter per day.

You should see the results of your cheap acne home treatment means, with improved skin within just a few days. Of course you can not expect to get rid of your acne in just a few days, natural treatments claim to take a little time to work, but ifThey are persistent, you get the skin free of pimples and blemishes, without the severe side effects which you find in commercial acne medicines. And what do you do, you stop wasting your money buying hundreds of dollars in acne or pimples skin care treatments, cheaper natural methods.

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Losing Weight After the Pregnancy

Your spouse is placed on weight gain during pregnancy. While this is normal, make many women on the increase in their weight after delivery.

These are important things your spouse needs to know if she is trying to lose weight:

Weight gain may be normal: It is important for your spouse to determine whether the weight she has gained within the normal limits. Pregnancy weight gain anywhere from 15 to 30 pounds is absolutely normaland they do not have to worry. However, if she weighs about 30 pounds more than before she became pregnant, she should consider losing something of it.

Weight loss should be gradual: There is no truth in the popular belief that a successful weight loss program must be quick. Actually, after pregnancy weight gain can undo up to years and depends on many factors.

are not working "quick fix" methods: Doctors are generally not recommended, asrapid technology or drastic diet to lose weight after pregnancy.

Your spouse can effectively lose weight:

• Stay away from likely a "fad" diet to damage and if she is breastfeeding the baby

• The combination of a healthy diet plan with a sensible exercise routine

• With the objective of a reasonable loss, that it can keep, rather than a dramatic loss of short-lived

• Advice from one if their own efforts do not showResults

Return to normalcy

During pregnancy, your spouse's body went through tremendous changes. Now that she has given birth, she is more experience will change her body back to its normal state.

These are some of the changes that the new mother is likely to experience:

• Increasing the temperature up to 100.4 F for approximately 24 hours after birth

• Weight loss of about 10 to 12 lbs. immediately after birth, followed by another five pounds in briefafter.

• vaginal discharge

• Shrinking of the uterus, as it returned to its original position

• The gradual closure of the cervix

• recommencement of the ovulation cycle

• The gradual fading of stretch marks on the belly

• The gradual tightening of the strength of the stomach, when he was on his condition before pregnancy

• Enlargement of the breast with breast-feeding

• Increase in feelings of hunger and thirst

• SymptomsBloating or gas in the stomach and intestine, especially in the case of a caesarean

• reducing the sensation of urinary urgency and / or urinary incontinence

• The symptoms of a cold - quite normal, unless accompanied by fever

• Increased sweating, especially at night, as accumulated waste matter discharged from the body

• pain caused by intermittent contractions

• Reduction of swelling of the legs or ankles

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Generic Oral Contraceptives - What does Generic Mean and Are They As Reliable As The Brand Names?

What are generic drugs?

Generic medicines are made available once the patent expires on a brand medicine. These drugs act on the body in the same way as the brand named and generally contain the same active ingredients. Governments set strict quality standards, especially "generics" are approved for sale. Generics are often cheaper than the brand name ones, though often by the same company.

What's in Generic OrthoTricyclen?

This drug is a combination of synthetic female hormones, taken orally, to prevent ovulation and thus prevent a pregnancy - are used, the two generic drugs, ethinyl estradiol and norgestimate.

How does it work? A simple explanation

Ortho tricyclen change the condition of the lining of your uterus (womb) and the consistency of your cervical mucus to make it difficult to obtain for the eager little sperm to your egg. If an egghappens to be fertilized, the changes that need this pill, the endometrium will make it very difficult for the zygote (fertilized egg) to plug into your stomach and begin its development causes a fetus.

To take a pill for acne

If you are an effective treatment for your acne, you may find that you have your doctor Generic Ortho tricyclen for you to write before, try it. However, if you start a course of tablets, for the verymanage only the first time of your birth control, it is advisable if one additional back-up contraception such as condoms and spermicides, until your body fully to the change in the level of "authentic new" hormones ".

Always use caution with all medications

Generic ortho tricyclen was associated birth defects, so do not take it if:

You are pregnant or breastfeeding a new baby

You become pregnant while taking a course of oralContraceptives

Tell your doctor immediately if any of the above apply to you or if you have or have had to meet one of the medical conditions:

Stroke, blood clotting or other problems with your circulation

Uterine or breast cancer (these are endocrine cancer)

Bleeding from the vagina is that abnormal

Liver cancer or liver disease


An outbreak of jaundice as a result of havinganother brand of contraceptive pill

Special monitoring may be necessary for you

In a few cases a doctor may adjust the usual dose of ortho tricyclen and it could be that you are one of the few women to control their condition regularly do with the ongoing tests.

Following are some common conditions, but they are heavy, and you should tell your doctor if you have / had some of them:

High blood pressure, chestPain, heart failure

high cholesterol

Diabetes and Depression

Gallbladder problems

Remember to follow the instructions for the proper dose

Always take generic ortho tricyclen be prescribed by your doctor or clinic and does not attempt to take additional doses, "just to be sure" because he or hold it for a longer period of time than recommended by your doctor.

In general, you take her first pill on the first day of the period (orthe first Sunday after the beginning of the period)

They also thought to be out for this drug most effectively, you need to take a pill every day, and with the exception of not more than 24 hours, otherwise you risk becoming pregnant. Do NOT attempt that you have the pills but the next course in hand ready to follow without a gap.

Why are some pills different colors?

A month of ortho tricyclen course contains 28 individual pills. Not all 28 pills are "active birth control", ieEthinyl estradiol and norgestimate. There are 7 pills, the "dummy" pills, or "memory pills" which are only included in the pack, helping you to take a "pill" will "and routine to your regular menstrual cycle. Your regular period begins during of days that you are taking the dummy pills.

In the first experiment, a contraceptive pill, you can have a little bleeding during the first 3 months but that should soon disappear if they do not, or if it gets worse, talk toYour doctor, there may be a different brand that your body better.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Reasons Why Many Teens Get STD Infection

According to statistics, the majority of STD cases among this year to the young. This is very alarming that is infected at an early age of 13 years, even with a very dangerous disease. Apart from early pregnancy to have the young people to the fact that they can be infected with sexually transmitted diseases, even in the face. Why is this so? This is because young people no information about sexually transmitted diseases. Young people should be more informed about sex and sexually transmitted diseases. This will further bePreparation of these people to face the dangers that put them in the future.

Young people are what might happen to them casually, as long as they enjoy and happy, nothing can stop them. These are the teenagers of today. You are unstoppable, carefree, enjoy life to the fullest without regard for the consequences of their actions.

A good reason why young people are infected with STD, that they do not know how to use protection during sexual activity. Some can alsoEmbarrassed to buy condoms. The mere fact that they are means in sexual activities that they can always be infected with sexually transmitted diseases. You can also use drugs or alcohol before intercourse, and therefore no sense has come into her while they act.

Another reason is that young people thought that the use of contraceptives magic to do in preventing STD infection can. Condoms are not hundred percent guarantee that you will be free of infection. Pills are not good for the protection of one ofInfection. In fact, the only service that the pills can give is to prevent against pregnancy, and that's just it. Pill and sexually transmitted diseases have no connection.

To stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases among young people is the key to accurate information. They should be well informed about everything that happened to them if they could be infected. In this way they can second long thought about sex with someone they are not sure whether secure or not. STD is a sensitive matterdeal with. And it has become even more sensitive and more complicated, because now the victim is a minor. These young people must be well managed in order to be infected with one of the difficulties of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. This is when the roles of parents are most needed. They should be the ones who give us the correct information to their children about sexually transmitted diseases.

And in the case of infection, should the parents to their offspring in the lead, what to do in order to be treated. Not many teenagers know that it is an STDTest. The parents of the infected teen should accompany their child to an STD testing clinic, where the young can get tested and get help. These clinics help people who are problems with sexually transmitted diseases. They provide testing, screening, counseling and treatment.

Young people should enjoy their young lives, but take full responsibility, responsibility for oneself and caring for others. From a young age can contribute its part to stop the proliferation of theSexually transmitted diseases. It is possible preventive measures to protect themselves from the field are infected with terrible diseases such as venereal disease.

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

How Do Birth Control Methods Work?

The first question that hits most of the couples after the wedding "is when parents are?" For some, the choice is easy, while for others it can be confusing. Contraception control during pregnancy can help, until one considers that the time is ripe. Contraceptives assume different modes of contraception. Some even provide additional security against sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS, herpes, syphilis, etc.

One of the most ancient methods of contraception isnatural family planning. This means periodic abstinence from sexual intercourse during the fertile period for women. These are about 12 to 20 Day of the menstrual cycle, counting day 1 as the first day of periods. This method works, you need a lot of planning and commitment. Another natural method is the removal, in which man tries, pull off the ejaculation. This can be as risky as sometimes containing pre-ejaculation fluid, sperm before leakthe withdrawal.

Next is the category of barrier methods that include the condom, diaphragm, the cervical cap and contraceptive sponges. These methods prevent pregnancy by blocking sperm from getting into the uterus. Male condoms can be procured from any drug store. They are very affordable but can be used only once. As for the female condom, there is only one by the name of Reality, available so far. This needs to be inserted 24 hours prior to the intercourse. For the Using a diaphragm or cervical cap, you need a doctor's help to fit it into the body of the woman. However, the use can increase a diaphragm, cervical cap or contraceptive sponge, the risk of urinary tract infections in some women. Some women have allergic reactions to these methods.

Oral contraception refers to women that the pill containing estrogen and progestin. The contraceptive pill aid by preventing ovulation. There is the availability of the Mini --Pill as well, which contains only the hormone progestin. This pill thickens the cervical mucus, thereby preventing that the sperm from meeting the egg. It also prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine wall. Hormone injections or shots are also working on the lines of the pill to prevent pregnancy. These injections can prevent pregnancy up to 3 months, but it is advisable for women not to wear them longer than 2 years in a row because they are knowna temporary loss of bone density. Yet another method is working on a similar principle of hormonal birth control patch, which is either on the buttocks, abdomen, torso or outer arm is applied to enable the release of hormones into the bloodstream. IUD, or intrauterine device is a small structure used by a doctor into the uterus of a woman. The principle behind the work of the pill and IUD is the same, but doctors prefer the spiral for women already using a child.The vaginal contraceptive ring is a thin, flexible ring that can be inserted into the vagina of the woman herself and requires a change in 3 weeks. It triggers hormones that prevent pregnancy.

Permanent method of contraception is sterilization. Tubal ligation for women include the fallopian tubes so that the eggs do not get into a position on a journey through it into the uterus, while in men the vasectomy seals the vas deferens so that sperm can not pass through them.

DespiteA number of methods of family planning, one thing is sure that there are no foolproof. Also, there is no best method, as each has its advantages and disadvantages. Any birth control method can fail, so the only way to ensure no pregnancy is abstinence.

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Your Birth Control Method May be Depleting Your Body of Essential Nutrients

While there are many different options for birth control, the most widely used is the contraceptive pill, often referred to as "the Pill", the synthetic hormones to suppress ovulation to prevent pregnancy use. Recently, some new forms of hormonal contraceptives have become like the NuvaRing, the plastic ring, which is in the vagina that is placed on a constant low dose of hormones into the body releases available. Another is the Ortho Evra patch thatWorking in the same way by preventing the release of low dose of hormones through the skin becoming pregnant.

While these products are an effective method of contraception, they do have some risks. These risks, such as blood clotting, increases with age, or when a woman uses tobacco. Another important thing that you want to understand is that the estrogen component of these products has a wide range of malnutrition, including vitamin C, vitamin B-2 associated(Riboflavin), vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), folic acid, vitamin B-12 (cobalamin), magnesium, zinc and selenium.

Women can use the pill for many years and not be interrupted by their use until just before she will try to become pregnant. This is a crucial time in your life that you want to be in optimal health and have optimal nutritional status for the health of your baby. Since the long-term use of these products has been such a wide variety of linked foodShortcomings, it is important to supplement your body essential nutrients and reduce concerns about the important nutrients in any deficiency during the critical time that you are trying to understand.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How to Lose the Pounds You Gained During Your Pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women think they need to eat for two. In addition to this, many expectant mothers that they absolutely everything they want without thinking about their appearance and can eat at the waist. As a result they end up gaining more weight during pregnancy, which can be very difficult to lose after they give birth.

Although, to be pregnant is no walk in the park, you need to make a better control of himself when it comes to food. As far as the adverseWeight gain, you can actually get back to pre-pregnancy body, without resorting to liposuction and other invasive procedures. There are a lot of what you can do to shed pounds from the course. Following are some pointers which you should follow to start post-natal weight loss help.

Pointer # 1 Breastfeed your baby

Finally, women have a lot of fatty deposits in the body during pregnancy, to prepare them for lactation. Nature designed the body, so that in case ofDrought and food scarcity, mothers still available to provide food for their children. Therefore, the best way for you that the pregnancy is to lose flab on your baby to breastfeed. In fact, you can lose an average of 500 calories a day more, your only child through breastfeeding. Experts say that breast-feeding a good form of contraception during the first weeks after birth. And finally, the milk is still the best milk for babies, the doctors, according to information.

Pointer # 2 Walk Your excess fatOut

The care of the child does not mean you have to sit or lie next to your baby every day. If you want to lose weight, you better move your body. Weighs and rocked the baby is a good exercise, but you do not want your baby to get used to wearing all the time. What you can do is go to the park with your baby on foot or with your friends and family. Go ahead and show off your newborn.

Other activities that will help you lose weight and simultaneously ensure the child can, throughcleaning the house, washing the dishes and doing household chores while your baby is asleep. You may also want to dance while watching the television. You really do not need to go to the gym or buy an expensive exercise equipment to keep your body and mind active.

Pointer # 3 Restrain Your Cravings

Since you get used to giving in to your cravings when you were pregnant, you may still have desire for food that are fattening and high in calories. The best thing to do is to start your Diet an early stage. After you have recovered from your birth or your operation if you had a caesarean, you should start eating healthy. Always remember that the food you eat has an impact on the nutrients that feed you if your baby is breast-feeding. It would be wiser if the foods rich in vitamins and minerals and are rich in sugar and low to stay.

Point 4 Know when to seek help #

If you won a lot of weight during your> Pregnancy can help raise no amount of dieting and weight, you lose so many pounds in a short time. When you start-you want weight loss, natural supplements or products you can find such Phenocal for example, which will help your cravings, boost your metabolism and help you burning off excess fat. If you are breastfeeding, it would be best to consult with your doctor before you take any natural supplements.

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Condoms- a Safe Way to Birth Control

Why do I need to use a condom?

Condoms are the only form of protection that can stop both for the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as HIV and prevent pregnancy help.

Choosing the right condom

A number of different types of condoms are now available. What is generally called a condom is the 'male' condom, a sheath or cover that fits over a man's penis, and closed at one end. There is now also a female condom, orvaginal sheath, which is used to fit a woman in her vagina.

What are condoms made?

Condoms are usually made of latex or polyurethane. If possible, you should use a condom because they are slightly more reliable, and in most countries they are most readily available. Latex condoms can only be used with water, lubricant, no oil lubricants such as Vaseline or cold cream as they break the latex. A small number of people have an allergic reaction toUse latex and polyurethane condoms.

Polyurethane condoms are made from a kind of plastic. They are thinner than latex condoms increased, and so the sensitivity and are pleasant to look and feel for some users. They are more expensive than latex condoms and slightly less flexible so more lubrication may be required. However, both oil and water lubricant can be used with them.

It is not clear whether latex or polyurethane condoms are stronger - there areStudies that either is less likely to break, too. In both, however, the likelihood of fractures is very small, if used properly are.

The lubrication on condoms varies. Some condoms are not lubricated at all, some are lubricated with a silicone substance, and condoms have a water-based lubricant. The lubrication on condoms aims to the condom easier to put to use and more comfortable. It can also help prevent condom breakage.

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